Privacy & Security FAQS

Your questions, our answers about the privacy of your data and the security of your money.

Cybersecurity is all about protecting our systems and your data from unauthorized access or harm. It’s like having a team of trusted security guards watching over your home around the clock. With digital security, you can browse the web, shop online, and manage your finances with peace of mind. It’s the foundation of a secure and enjoyable digital experience.

Find out more about digital safety for yourself here and for your business here.

Scammers are constantly trying different ways to get your information and access your accounts, so commonly encountered scams can vary. Some of the currently trending threats include:

  1. Phishing
    These are designed to trick you into revealing personal data, such as your account login information or tax registration number. Phishing emails can often appear to be from a legitimate source, like your bank.
  2. Malware
    Malicious software that can steal your personal information or damage your computer. Malware can be installed on your computer through links or attachments in phishing emails, as well as infected websites or USB drives.
  3. Ransomware
    A type of malware used by hackers to encrypt your files and then demand a ransom payment to release them.
  4. QR code scams
    Posters are placed in ATMs or other locations to appear legitimate and trick you into scanning a QR code, which then takes you to a fake website requesting your personal information.

Keep up with the latest scams here.

Our Privacy & Security Centre is a one-stop shop for all your digital security needs. Here, you can learn about our security features, find tips on how to stay safe online and learn about our data privacy policies. The content is updated regularly to help you stay up-to-date and digitally safe.

We use a combination of technology and strategy to protect your accounts and your personal data from unauthorised access. These safeguards include:

  1. Firewalls and intrusion detection systems
  2. Data encryption
  3. Access controls
  4. Security monitoring
  5. Employee training

Get a more in depth picture of how we keep you and your money safe here.

If you suspect any fraudulent activity on your accounts, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We’ll help you safeguard your accounts and minimize any potential damage where possible. We'll work closely with you to resolve the situation and get your accounts back to normal.

In addition to contacting us, it's crucial to report the fraud to the police within 24 hours of the incident. By taking these steps swiftly, you will significantly enhance your chances of recovering any losses and preventing further harm. Remember, you're not alone in this. We're here to support you every step of the way.

  1. Call: 888-NCB-FIRST (888-622-3477)
  2. Email: [email protected]

Online safety takes a combination of good safety practices and vigilance. Here are a few tips for staying safe online:

  1. Use strong passwords and multi-factor authentication (MFA)
  2. Be careful about what links you click on
  3. Keep your software up to date
  4. Back up your data regularly
  5. Be aware of the latest cybersecurity threats

At NCB, we are committed to protecting your data privacy. We have a comprehensive policy in place that outlines our practices for collecting, using, and sharing your personal information. We also have a team of experienced data privacy professionals responsible for implementing and maintaining our Data Privacy Policy.

We collect your personal information when you open an account, apply for a loan, or use our services. This information may include your name, address, TRN number, date of birth, and financial information.

NCB uses your personal information to provide you with our services, protect your accounts from fraud, and comply with legal and regulatory requirements. We may also use your personal information to market our products and services to you.

We sometimes share your personal information with third-party service providers who help us to provide our services. For example, your data may be sent to Visa to process a transaction when you swipe your credir card. We may also share your personal information with financial institutions, such as credit bureaus, to process your transactions and make credit decisions.

How to get in touch

And if have any questions you think you may have been a victim of digital fraud, our customer care center is always here for you. Call us at 888-NCB-FIRST (622-3477) or email us at [email protected].